Friday, November 1, 2013

As We Were Saying

This morning I opened my eyes at 7:00. There was time to get Hank to school before the 7:40 bell rang. I lay there. I could hear a gentle rain falling, the overnight rain that had been much talked about and wondered over all week long. Would it or wouldn't it rain out trick-or-treating? Friday tennis? How to move forward not knowing? But there it was, conveniently pattering in the dark, on nobody doing anything important.

I thought, "I will let the kids sleep in. I haven't checked them in late all year, and they need post-Halloween rest." I closed my eyes again. I had a dream so absorbing yet so boring that I actually thought, while asleep, "Well this isn't really going anywhere."

When I opened my eyes again it was 9:00. I had been aware, dimly, that the kids were up. I stepped out onto the landing and croaked, "Kids! Let's get this party started!"

From somewhere in the house, Hank piped, "Okay! I am wearing pants!"

"That's a good start, buddy!" I called. We can work with that. It's all about a good start.

Thirty minutes later, we were all underway, so civilized, in full daylight. Leisurely.

Then the whole day followed and it was nice too.

But enough about me. We are all fine here. How are you? I didn't exactly mean to not blog for six months. I got busy with non-computerized things. All good things. And for a while, maybe back in the late summer, when asked about my silence, I would say, "Well, I don't feel like I really have a narrative anymore." Or some lit grad horseshit like that.

Then, in the last few weeks, I've grown to feel that I don't even care about a narrative. I don't care, I just want the words. I miss talking to you guys and I miss the putting-together of words. And now November rolls around, and for the last several (three?) Novembers I have blogged daily.

So let's get this party started.


Erika W said...

This is a good start!

IngeB said...

I've missed you!

From a fellow Slug, still in NorCal

AlGalMom said...


etheljr said...

November's off to a smashing start, missed you!

etheljr said...

November's off to a smashing start, missed you!

Anonymous said...

Finally! Yay!

Michele said...

Okay, I've got pants on.

Becky said...

Michele, somehow I don't believe you.

jo said...

Yep that is a good start!

Lisa Lilienthal said...

oh thank god.

Allison said...

It's about time! I've missed you and your stories. Write more, write often.

Star said...

So very glad you'll be blogging, again. I've missed your posts.

Camp Papa said...

I, too, am panted.

kathy said...

Welcome back! You're narrative has been missed. I look forward to following the ups and downs of your lives in Atlanta.

Justine said...

Woot! I'm in, can't wait.

The pants-on narrative reminds me somehow of an old Seinfeld joke about doctors (though it is the opposite)--"I'll tell you your diagnosis. But first, you must remove your pants. I speak to no one wearing pants."

Elizabeth said...

Are jeans acceptable?

Keely said...

Yay! I feel similarly about missing the putting together of words. Just not enough yet. Maybe I'll blog every day in December, nothing happens in December.

Patience said...

I knew you'd return! And you have a great writing style; you don't need a "narrative". LOL

Sheila said...

Yay! I've missed your words!

Shannon said...

Everyone needs a mental health morning once in awhile.

So glad to see you in the reader, I was beginning to wonder! :)

Beth said...

You are so good at putting words together that it naturally forms a narrative. I am so happy to see you combining words again on the interwebs. I'm certain there must be some fabulous summer stories with which to regale us.