Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Home Health Aids

Hank and I took a sick day today. We have colds. But they weren't really so bad that we couldn't have gone on with our normal activities. Sometimes, though, I feel like I just want to give it a day--like go ahead and rest and just have a cold--and then bounce back the next day. And you know how you always feel worse first thing in the morning? At six thirty, I was like, "I can't gooo ooooonnnn...." I knew Hank was feeling the same and I made a game-time decision that we would sleep in today. I figured that if given the chance, he would cough all over everyone in kindergarten, and that's no way to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. So I fell back asleep with a tissue sticking out of one of my nostrils.

Laura got up, got her own breakfast, made her own lunch, and went to the bus stop unassisted and unheralded.

I have numerous elixirs that I dosed myself with throughout the day. They are of varying levels of efficacy and intensity. Some are just warm beverages. My favorite is just hot water, lemon juice, turmeric, and honey. For some reason, I call this hot ham water, in homage to "Arrested Development."

I mean, I don't call it hot ham water in the sense that I ever have occasion to say this aloud. But while I'm whisking in the turmeric with my little bamboo whisk, I think, "hot ham water," and chuckle inside. Watery, with just a smack of ham.

For some reason, that is the main thing I wanted to tell you.

It was wild and windswept here all morning. A good day to be inside. Just us and the rats that may have been trapped in the attic when the roof was sealed up yesterday. You know, cozy.

Hot ham water.


Beth said...

I gotta be honest, hot ham water sounds a little bit better than your concoction. Turmeric? Really? Is it not unpalatable?

Anonymous said...

Love turmeric. Yr coffee concoction is ok, but I still like it mixed with a dab of honey & stirred into hot milk, like the cocoa recipe on the side of the Hershey's box, but with turmeric instead of cocoa. I'm going to make a cup right now! xoxox

AlGalMom said...

NOW I understand why "hot ham water" was not an unfamiliar phrase. It has been too long since I wiled away the afternoon watching Arrested Development....

Hope the ham water effected a rapid cure!

Anonymous said...

I heard something on The People's Pharmacy that tumeric is good for you when sick. Never thought of drinking it in ot water.

Amy said...

OMG OMG watch this! It's what I think of when someone says ham. Well not always, but you know

Amy said...

"People do like the way she says ham."

Becky said...


Elizabeth said...

Turmeric is actually documented to be excellent for inflammation. I've seen some compelling studies done by a neurologist here at USC whose studies on circumin/turmeric show benefits for those with autism and cyclical vomiting. It's also recommended in ayurvedic medicine for arthritis! So, your tea concoction sounds perfect. The rat company? Not so much.

Camp Papa said...

Let us now praise Laura Jane.

Keely said...

Go Laura!
Hope you and Hank feel better soon. I may have to try that turmeric next time I'm secret ingredient is usually rum.

Justine said...

High 5 for Laura, wow.

I second Keely's vote for rum. I sip lots of Trader Joe's "well rested" tea, into which they elected to add 17 unnecessary but delicious-sounding ingredients like "hawthorn berries" and "passionflower leaves" (huh?). I also take a probiotic figuring what the hell, and I drink those emergen-c packets every few hours. I'll put turmeric on my list of homeopathic tinkering, thanks for the tip! Hope that ham water does the trick.

michiganme said...

oh jeez, i hope those rats don't chew their way 'down' out of captivity! Just kidding.

gretchen said...

You have a little bamboo whisk? Damn, girl.

Unknown said...

LOL! Can’t get enough of that “Hot Ham Water” thingy! The other guy said “ohh, and it’s watery” what a nice complement right?! LOL! I swear I can’t help myself but laugh! ^_^