Well, in the beginning there was this look:

Which morphed into this:

And now we're wearing this:

When I first saw her in this ensemble, I was like, "Whoa! My eyes!" It's a lot of look, the glittery peace sign with the pink snake print tights. But then when she put on the high tops, it kind of all came together for me. Or more like, it made the proportions work and I get what she's doing.
The key is, it's what she's doing. We've had a steady progression from clothes totally picked out and combined by me, to clothes picked out under strong guidance from me (I blogged about my first trip to Justice this time last year), to my giving more like girlfriend-level advice. Her burgeoning fashion sense is fun to watch.
Plus I think she's totally rocking it. She looks trendy but she doesn't look exactly like any of her friends. And I'm mostly over my Gymboree nostalgia. Gymb-algia? Gymborrhea?
Also, as I've said before, her daily sartorial commitment to peace is inspiring. There are peace signs on her sneakers too. Also her pro-snake agenda. Inspiring.
I'm thinking Hank will keep letting me dress him until he's nineteen or so. Mothers of boys, am I right?
She is so adorable! I wish I could wear that outfit but I would like some sort of unfortunate lush cougar ready to take on a cocktail and a 25 year old!
Yes, it's true!! Unless Hank is a metrosexual fashionista discovers Urban Outfitters you will be dressing him until a prospective partner steps in and takes over. And it's so cheap and easy! Knock off skater shirts from Ross are fourteen bucks. And if you're lucky your daughter will discover how cool thriftstores are then maybe you can afford that 29.99 sweater at Target!
oh my gosh, Edgy June Cleaver is adding tons of energy to your comments! Love it!
But EDJ, $14? You must go to TJ Maxx. The skater shirts are $7.99. However, my 3 sons pick out their own clothes and I either buy them or don't buy them. These days the 14 and 12 y.o. pick out what they want online and I peruse and then buy. BTW, the coolest shirts are on department of goods and the shoes are on ok skate....for cheap.
Becky, she is so adorable. I was just at the ball filed and a daughter of a team action company was there and she looked like a Laura in a few more years. I did not have my camera. And you know i have no IPhone.
P.S. Two of my boys just looked at your blog and thought she was 11.
P.P.S. I want to wear leggings too. Becky, am I too old for that?
She's adorable. I have finally adjusted to Justice after a long run at Gymboree ended. The first time we went I dragged Erin out immediately. It was just too...much. Then, after caving in and getting a couple of their skirts, I loved that they all have the built-in shorts (required at our school) and are super durable. This year we got her entire back to school wardrobe at Justice and it was all cute and surprisingly non-hookerish.
Hee hee--"non-hookerish"! Definitely a priority. :)
She looks adorable! I think it's totally age appropriate and cute. And I love that she's putting it all together on her own. Laura's commitment to peace at any cost is an example to her fellow 9 year olds. All we are saying, is give it a chance.
And seriously, OMG she needs to stop growing up! I can barely take it.
Lush cougar! Now I can't wait for Halloween!
And no, I don't think we can wear those leggings. But I bet American Apparel has them in our size.
Not those leggings. But other, plain leggings?
Uh, no. My 2nd son (6yo now) has had opinions about his clothes from the day he began to put them on himself- before age 3 for sure. I do have the option of not buying items I don't like, but then I must stay out of the choosing or I will regret it. Style tho- not so much. Just choosy.
Oh, I am having such a yen for a little girl right now looking at those photos of Laura!
She has great fashion sense. She's obviously having fun with it. Oh, and can I get those cute wedges she was wearing last year? LOVE those.
This post makes me glaaaad to be the mother of 3 boys. I personally love the look, and imagine watching the development of someone's sense of style to be fascinating, but I would NOT find the shopping fun as a mother. I love putting in an order to children's place twice a year and calling it done. So Gary (my oldest, same age as Laura) has requirements, but I wouldn't call it "fashion". Elastic waistband only (I trace that to an underwear-free day and an accident with a zipper when he was 3), no pictures on the shirts, long socks, prefers shoes without laces... it's like dressing rainman. Solomon (age 8) has his ideas, too, but they still don't fall under the heading of "fashion". Shirts should be funny. That's about it.
I love that Garrison needs no pictures on shirts while Solomon needs them to be funny. Hello opposites!
Re leggings for us: I say yes!
As for my boys, the cut off date for picking their clothes was about 17.
I think Laura has an excellent sense of fashion. Love the high tops
I love that she's consistent with her message of peace. I'll have to take your word on the pro-snake agenda.
X has distinct ideas about what he wants to wear already. Or, rather, what he DOESN'T want to wear. He's not even 3, but I'm 2 steps away from sending him shopping on his own rather than having the fight every day.
Umm, sorry. I got distracted. I so want that circle rug.
She totally rocks that look, and not many people can (but still try), so consider yourself lucky, I guess! But just as importantly, I love your bookcases. Those bad boys are very stylin'!
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