Oh mysterious lady. Why, it's me! Other titles I considered for this post:
Or, my real favorite:
Anyhoo, I was planning some properly glam shots of me all wigged up, but I just haven't been feeling great since chemo on Wednesday, so these snaps my mom took at the park will give you the idea.
The wig's name is Codi. Here's something you learn at a wig shop: the whole shopping experience is one of the most retro you will every have. The wig purveyors have names like René of Paris, and there will be large pictures of Raquel Welch adorning every surface. The lady helping you will have been wearing wigs for decades. Do not study her eyebrows too closely. She will be a comforting and knowledgeable presence, just do what she says. And all the wig styles sound like the names of Charlie's Angel rejects. So "Codi" it is. I'm still learning her ways and fiddling with her bangs.

So my wonderballs dexamethasone pills, which made me feel superhuman for a few days during the first cycle, did not really come through for me this time. I felt fine on Wednesday, when I last checked in with you guys, then on Thursday I was pretty much crashy all day. I didn't want to get off the couch. About 5 in the afternoon, I went up and hid in my room, napped, and didn't come down until it was time for the kids to go to bed. Matt and the grandparents have picked up the slack, and yesterday I felt well enough to get out to the park.
Still no nausea, just the blahs. With me in this state, Hank can beat me in a tricycle-foot race.
I'm glad you felt well enough to be up and around. Don't be surprised for the next two chemo's you feel more tired. I know its hard to believe LOL. That's usually the way it goes. Oh, and the bitchiness - STEROIDS. Only 2 more to go. This part will be over soon. Just keep hanging in there and do what your body wants to do.
OMG, how could I forget. Your wig looks awesome LOL.
Love the wig! Looks saucy, and I like that you're going for a different style than your regular hair, makes it more fun. Can we call you Cori now? And, omg, I LOVE the pic of Hank looking up, so dang cute.
p.s. My word verification is "hemorica," which is creepy to me; it is like my name having a hemorrhage or something.
It looks awesome so natural....better than my lack luster mane. I hope you feel stronger soon. (Hugs)
I just got my hair cut in a Codi style without the bangs. Now I need to go back to get the bangs cut because I love that look. It looks great on you. I'm sorry to hear that this round knocked you out. Not too much longer, right?
When I saw the Sub Mat thumbnail on my Top Sites page, I honestly thought that first picture was of Laura and Hank. Imagine my surprise when it was Hank and Codi. Way to rock it, Becky!
I often thought that a wig would be a real boon to expediency back in my working days, when the phone would ring and it would be someone saying "Attorney So-and-so forgot to schedule a reporter. Can you be downtown in 15 minutes?"
And now I really wish I'd taken the plunge. Cos that is a pretty cute look there, Codi.
Whoever you are, you have a fantastic smile. xoxo
I absolutely adore that lady! It's a good look on you and really matches your smile. I would agree with Veronica - very saucy - or maybe even sassy. Your attitude is amazing.
I have to get on a plane this week and I know that no other flight attendant will have any hair as cute as that. I love the photo of you guys with your feet in the water. Looks very refreshing and you look very natural in all your photos. You do have a great smile. Two down and two to go with the treatments!
Ooh, adorable Codi!
Yep, I think you have a new nickname.
Love it. Very Tea Leoni.
The wig looks great! Truly. I would never have known! Sorry the latest round of chemo has been so exhausting...blech. And I endorse the bitchiness. Hank doesn't appear to love you any less by the look of things.:) Oh, and my word verification today is "bless" which seems fitting (both for this clergywoman and for your situation). It is the primary reason I'm commenting at all. :) Anyway, take care!
Flight 53, destination HOTNESS, now boarding! Lookin' good, girl.
Those wig ladies were awesome. So comforting and knowledgeable in all things synthetic hair. And they did indeed guide you well.
Wish I was there to distract you from the tiredness! And you know that I am usually the more bitchy one, so if I were there it would deflect from you. :)
I'm thinking I could use some Codi, myself...
day by day see what you're up for, if it's napping... then so be it. The good news is that after all this chemo you'll be back to your old (young) self and enjoying your usual energy.
Love that Codi, it's a great look for you!
Thanks guys! Matt says these pics are a little Witness Protection-y, with the sunglasses, so I'll put up some more soon that show how my actual face looks in it.
You look fabulous! Seriously sexy do! Wish you were feeling better. Hang in there! Lots of love coming from RI.
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling icky. So great that you're able to get the rest you need... hooray for having an awesome family.
I never would have believed that was a wig if you hadn't said. Not in a million years. You look amazeballs.
OMG! I would never believe that was a wig! I want one! Only thing is, I still won't have that face!
Okay. So. I have to say I LOVE that you chose a wig with an entirely different hair style than your pre-chemo do. I mean, I love the pre-chemo hair too. Those were some gorgeous locks. But the wig is fantastic. Becky with a brown bob? Sassy!
Codi is hawt and so are you! I love the shot of you & Hank rockin' the shades together. Movie stars.
You look great in Codi - I wouldn't have known it was a wig if I didn't know what you usually look like.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Make sure you tell your medical team and insist on a different antiemetic if you need it - there are *lots* of choices (zofran, kytril, etc)...
Both you and Codi look mah-velous! I'm keeping the faith that you'll be bouncing back quickly.
How awesome is Codi? She's AWESOME. I want to know what you do with her at night... does she have her own little stand? I think she's a little bit Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman-- super sexy and chic.
So are you wearing your WigHer to BlogHer? I LOVE IT. You so sexy, RAWWWR.
You look good, Lady. Even if you feel like poop. Which I wish you didn't. The wig def works. I like the second to last picture angle. I like it a little imperfect on the edges. Pretty color, too.
Hank is looking adorable as usual.
I was dreaming of you this morning and it woke me up. You were smiling a beautiful smile in the dream & I can't remember anything more about it, but then I was awake and had you on my mind and was worrying about you. I hope you're feeling better since this post. xoxo
Codi rocks. Or maybe I should say you rock Codi. Well, whatever... you look GREAT!
Codi is HOT. PLEASE tell me that you have purchased a naughty stewardess getup to go with it for Matt to enjoy. Cause Jimmy would totally get into the wig/costume thing.
I'm slightly bitchy on and off and I'm not even on chemo.
Where's the pink wig? WHERE?
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