Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Didn't Think This Surgery Would Keep Me out of Target, Did You?

Hey Honeys. I had a very mellow day here at the homestead. It was just Matt and me, except that my newly affianced cousin Patrick and his bride-to-be came by. They were on their way up to the mountain house and stopped in for a short visit. A short visit is about all I am good for. I am thrilled to see people and hungry for chat, but then I get tired. At one point I kind of lost the thread of a story I had started, and Matt turned to them and said, "See? High as a kite." Which I am most certainly not.

Earlier tonight I felt restless and a little bonk bonk, so I went into Matt's office and said, "I think I am kuckoo." He said, "Let's get you out of the house." Matt's mom had left her convertible with us, having driven the kids to Chattanooga in our van, so he loaded me into the passenger seat and away we went. It is so warm here--even warm-at-night-in-an-open-car warm--so we drove in a big lazy quadrangle around our burb. Looking at the sky and feeling the wind made me feel better.

As we got closer to home, Matt drove into the Target parking lot and said, "Would you like to walk around in here?" Does this man know me or what? I wanted to say, "I marry you," three times like in Cold Mountain. But I said, "Yes, let's just go in and get some fruit." I secretly wanted to check and see if they had stocked any more Liberty of London stuff. Not because I need another speck of it. But because I don't want to let my post-op recovery keep me from covering my beat, you know?

So, they had restocked a bunch of stuff, including the pillows. The Target website says they're "in stores only," so you might have to make some sorties to find 'em. One disappointment was that I have yet to see a single lady's swimsuit in my Target. There is a tankini on the website that is the only possible thing I might still need from this collection. If we take "need" to mean something totally different from what it means in normal discourse.

Then I started yawning in the store and now I am tucked onto the couch sipping green tea and watching "Weeds." Y'all, I know some of you have told me to watch this show before and you were so right. It is like watching a TV show of my blog, if I sold pot. That would be the best blog in the world.


Keely said...

You don't sell pot? Who's going to hook me up at BlogHer?

I need me some retail therapy, too. The Target kind, not the buying-pot kind, though.

Amy said...

That WOULD be the best blog in the world. Maybe it's something you should consider.

Sounds like a lovely evening, all things considered! I think a daily trip to Target should be a part of your healing regimen. You could alternate it with TJ's.

Matt is a prince among men. A prince!

Michele said...

A warm night, a convertible, Target, and a man that knows you...You got it all.

The Dental Maven said...

You went to TARGET?? Okay, now I know you're on the mend.

The Dental Maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good that you got to Target before they came looking for you.

Flat ROck Creek Notebook

Jane said...

Good to know you're doing well. I say buy yourself that tankini when it makes an appearance. Need is such a fluid concept.

Common Household Mom said...

They sell fruit at your Target?! I can never make that excuse for going into the Target here.

Fantastic Forrest said...

I am so jealous. Convertibles and Target and Weeds.

Now what's this that Keely is saying about BlogHer in her comment? If you are going, I will have to attend.

Jenni said...

Well, you are becoming my Liberty of London dealer...

Pamela said...

my bff just bought two of those bathing suits for her vaca. she's in love.

also, keely? my neighbor up the street is a potseller, so don't worry about the pot hook up.

Meg said...

Your husband rocks!! Tar-jay is awesomeness that I miss.

gretchen said...

I want Mary Louise Parker's hair! And her body! And I kind of already own her slutty clothes, but I can't fit into them anymore. Which is sad.

Anyway, I'm glad you're keeping up with your Target shopping. You'd hate for that to get away from you.


Amy said...

... which would make you the Jane Goodall of Stoner Suburbia, mayhap?

A man who knows you need a ride in a convertible. To Target. Yep, this post kind of confirms it: For the good of all womankind, you should consider cloning Matt.

Lawyer Mom said...

Tee hee. I'm so getting a kick out of the fact you're watching Weeds. So addicting!

While you're at it, go to hulu.com and watch the last five episodes of V. Science-fictiony stuff is not normally my cuppa' but this one is darn good. Check it out.

XOXO and all good thoughts to you, friend.

missynall said...

Whew! I don't have to REALLY worry about you if you can make it to Target. ☺ We've been in DC. I'm going to be on the lookout for you now. Lovin' your attitude about all of this.

Lisa Lilienthal said...

You have the best husband! And my Target is covered up with those LoL swimsuits so if you want me to get you one I will. I bought the tankini but took it back -- I decided the colors were too muted for me. I agree that alternating Target with TJ's and all the other resting/tv/eating/convertible driving sounds like the perfect surgery recuperation! Carry on!

Kimberly, An American Mother said...

Thought of you while visiting the Hattiesburg Target last week... it was overflowing with Liberty of London wares. The little girl clothes were so entirely cute that I briefly considered having another bambino. (Trust me, it was a fleeting notion!!)

Glad you got a little Target therapy!

Cassie said...

I started watching Weeds on Netflix here at the hospital when Phil was cashed out for what felt like 87 days. It's fantastic.