Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Heaven Help the Mister Who Comes between Me and My Sister

(You know that song? From some old movie but I can't remember.)

Amy and I just had one of those text message exchanges where it's supposed to seem like we're joking, but really what we are saying is just the absolute truth. It was this:

Amy: At the Sydney airport. The countdown begins!

Me: OMG, I can't believe it. I better straighten up around here!

Amy: For real, I like things really neat.

The funny part, to me, is that when I said I'd straighten up, it was supposed to seem like a joke, because I'm starting chemotherapy in the morning and maybe I could just chill on the couch, watch "Lost," and not worry about the state of the house, and I would expect someone to read that text and think I was therefore joking about the cleaning up, but in truth I WILL straighten up before she gets here, even though I will act like I didn't really do much.

The other funny thing is that Amy DOES like things really neat and is being perfectly honest, even though she is also trying to sound deadpan and is, on some textual level, joking. Yet I know that if she walks into my messy house, she would understand but she would also clean it before she could relax.

So, you know, sisters.

It will take her twenty four hours to get to the ATL. I am so, so glad she is coming and grateful that it is possible for her to be here. She has a post up today about how, when you get to travel without kids, a 13 hour flight seems like a spa weekend. Believe it, childless people. Hear me now and believe me later.

But what her post does not tell you is that this sister weaned her baby early to come on this trip. Grace is ten months old and I know Amy was going to nurse her for a full year like she did the others. Amy could have brought Grace and we encouraged her to do so--I thought it was way, way too much to ask the mother of an infant to leave her for two weeks--but she thought she could be of more help if she were here solo, with no kids of her own to care for. So she weaned her--she started a few weeks ago and it has all gone fine from what I hear. Then she marshaled her tribe (God help you if you don't have a tribe) her husband, friends, neighbors, and her mother-in-law--who is crossing the Pacific in the other direction to go help with Amy's kids--and she is on her way right now. So complicated! Such a web of generosity and help.

She sent me a few more texts from the airport that made me think it has been so long since Amy traveled without kids that she didn't remember airports have gift shops. She was like, "There are books here. And a buttload of t-shirts!"

We are a go for chemo to start in the morning, bright and early. It will take hours and Matt will be with me. Meanwhile, in a different part of town, Hank's school is having its annual Trike-a-thon, which I was supposed to help organize before all this boob stuff came up. No fear, my mom and dad will be there to represent the family and cheer Hank on. Oh and Laura has her Girls on the Lam running club and swim team tomorrow, but it's all covered.

Speaking of tribe, my neighbors have stepped up with the meals. Stepped It UP. Or well, Frenemy only brought a store-bought pie, but she tries. (Okay I'm doing that thing where I seem like I'm joking but I'm telling the absolute truth? She does try and the pie was yummy and it got eaten, you betcha.)

Thanks so much for all your comments and lovin', guys. So tomorrow, the first session of chemo takes forever. Maybe I will live-blog it! 'Cause I have whole bunch more random crap to say. As usual. xoxo-B


Amy said...

First!?? If I type real fast. Can I just say... I hope beyond anything that my girls grow up to have the bond that you and Down-Under Amy do.

And if I were your neighbor, I would be the one organizing the food train. We would roll that baby until you begged us to stop and then we would sneak food into your freezer. Cos that is how we show love in the South, right?

Amy - the gazelle said...

Wait - is this an all Amy space? AWESOME!

Best of luck with the chemo. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. And if I lived closer, I'd bring food, too. :)

I am so glad that your sister is able to fly all that way to be with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm allowed to join the Amy/Aimee comment, train, right? It's pronounced the same way...

BTW, White Christmas - It's my sister's and my theme song. :)

Best of luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you all day.

(Oh, and I'm totally the person who brings store-bought pie and a Stouffer's lasagna, because I can't get my crap together.)

Becky said...

Had to get in here with all the Amy/Aimees!

White Christmas, how could I forget that?!? "And heaven help the sister, who comes between me and my man!"

Aimee, I totally mean it that the store-bought pie is awesome. And I have been known to decant Stouffer's lasagna into my own dish but SHHHH!

Maggie said...

aimeewrites beat me to the punch. White Christmas, Rosemary Cloony, Vera Ellen singing and my main squeeze, Bing Crosby as Rosemary's love interest.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and I know you will be such a good patient you will get a gold star. I love ya, gal. Hugs to all from me

Rebekah said...

Another Becky has to break up all the Amyness - BW - I will be thinking of you and Matt even more tomorrow while I proctor standardized tests with 10th graders! care package coming soon. Becky not Woomer

Lisa Lilienthal said...

Becky, sending you the white light from California, cuz apparently that's what we do out here. But you know what I mean.

Keely said...

I always wanted a sister. Thanks for confirming why!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Michele said...

Don't clean. It will give Amy something to do. My sister would just tell me what a slob I am then drink my wine fridge dry.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and watching for your blog posts.

M and E said...

My mom and her three sisters (and sister-in-law) sing that song every Christmas. EVERY Christmas.

We'll be thinking about you tomorrow and in the days to come. And if you get a craving for Chicago hot dogs or deep dish pizza, we'll get it to you.

Marie said...

I've told your Mom and Dad on more than one occasion over the past few years that one thing they should be very proud of is the relationship you and your siblings have.
You are going to come through this
just fine! Love your guts!

Cassie said...

That thing about the weaning? SO amazing and beautiful and touching.

Thinking of you and praying tomorrow goes smoothly.

Beth said...

I am thinking good thoughts for you all the time. BTW, me and my sister watch White Christmas every year, multiple times.

I wish I could bring you food, too, cause I would rock it with an awesome butternut squash and mushroom lasagna, salad fixins and some homemade bread. Maybe I can send it Fedex.

You rock it, girl.

Unknown said...

Don't even think of dragging your blue feather boa fan to chemo with you. And because I'm a language person too and want you to get it just right when you and Amy burst into song, it actually goes..."Lord, help the mister..."

I know this because, well,I've seen WC about I'm guessing in the neighborhood of 1000 times by now and I have a sister who is obsessed, I tell you, with that song.

And what I'd be sending you is a smoked briscuit or pork tenderloin hot off of our BBQ grill because here in Midwest quarters, it's all about the meat. Break a leg today or an IV needle or whatever is handy! ;)


Mrs. Smith said...

Thinking of you today and knowing if I lived nearby and I would be bringing over my famous chocolate chip cookies. Your attitude is inspiring.

The Dental Maven said...

I am just LOVIN' your family!!! You'll be in my thoughts all morning, Beck. ONWARD!

Jenni said...

You sister weaning her baby early? That made me cry. You are surrounded by so much love and support it is really inspiring.

Good luck today. Thinking of you.

Sjn said...

um... I believe it's " Lord help the mister..."
And may the Lord be watching over you today and in the weeks to come. Thoughts and prayers for you and the family, including you Camp Papa!

Anonymous said...

Lots of good luck today. If we were in the neighborhood we'd probably bring the store-pie, like Frenemy, but we'd gussy it up with sparklers or something.

chnault said...

Sorry I didn't send words your way last week when I heard, but I'm praying for your total healing and that you'll find humor in every stressful minute of this ordeal.

Bless you and your tribe.

The Mayor

Veronica said...

I was touched when I found out Amy was coming out for you. But now that I know that she weaned her baby early to do it? Beyond touched.

Good luck today. Sending lots of love your way.

Anonymous said...

You two are lucky to have such an awesome relationship. What a great sister and friend. Good luck today, it will be fine. My in-laws are in Australia and I'm familiar with that trip. I completely believe that 13 hours with no kids, on a plane, with booze and movies will be a mini-vacation for her. Enjoy your time together!

Cyndi B. said...

Sisters are the best!

Wishing good thoughts, sending prayers and positive energy your direction.

Becky said...

I may need to edit this post title to reflect the proper lyrics.

Anyhoo, the wifi here is messed up so no liveblogging today. We have an hour more to go and everything is fine. I have a warm blankie and matt just brought me a sandwich.

Also remind me to tell you about Dexamethasone, this steroid/speed drug I take for three days surrounding the infusions. It has made me the Chattiest Person in the Realm. I surprise even myself.

Eve Ryman said...

Suburban Matron:
just happened upon your blog, all these months later. I hope you are still writing away and C-free. A sisters search brought me to your site, and i couldn't stop reading. i send you good vibes from Indiana.

Becky said...

Thank you, Debra! I'm doing great. I'm so glad you came by!