Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Less Often Featured Family Member

percy sitting like opus from bloom county

Did y'all know that I have a dog? Her name is Percy. There she is, in one of her usual poses. She sits like a person, or maybe like Opus from "Bloom County." I see a certain resemblance.

Anyway, she is not the smartest or best-smelling dog in the world, but we are fond of her.

And here is Laura. She is not a less-often featured family member, but I had this nice picture of her from last weekend. I think I can see what she'll look like when she's grown up.


We are embarking on a lazy weekend. Get this: this is only the second weekend in the last nine weeks (I counted) that we've been home. It's been non-stop running around. It was all fun stuff but I am beat. Leisure is so exhausting, gah!

Laura had a friend sleep over last night. We watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Have you seen this? I definitely recommend it for a family movie night. It is very entertaining and even hilarious at moments. Even Hank was transfixed.

At this age, Laura and her friends are so low-maintenance that I feel like a slacker. They ate pizza, watched the movie, and then went upstairs to engage in a highly-important giggle/chat/performance art hybrid. I found them asleep at midnight and switched off the light. This morning they went out for a walk, then came back and gave me a full report on three garage sales going on around the corner.

I love girls.

Obviously I don't have much to say. Just this: have a good Saturday, I hope it is chillaxing.


Jenni said...

Aw, there's Percy! Are you going to turn into a dog blogger now?

That's a great photo of Laura. I have those moments with Oscar, too, when I look at him and get a flash of what he'll look like as a man. GAH! My little boy is going to turn into a man. I don't know that I'm even ready for that thought.

Becky said...

Jenni, yes, I'm totally going to turn into a dog blogger. I'm going to take a picture of Percy every day. It will be awesome!

I have often noticed that when you see a baby picture of someone you know, the baby pic looks just like them. So I try to look at my kids and think that in reverse.

And no, we are not ready for that thought.

Hootie said...

I shot some video of the boys the other day and slowed it down to 80% speed... the audio was slowed down with it. It's easy to imagine this lower-register drawl is what my teenage sons will sound like. Moments like these are the closest we get to time travel.

Megan said...

Sometimes weekends with no plans are the very best.

Great photo of Laura! She's a beauty.

Wish I had more to contribute. I'm a bit dumbstruck that my friends' 4-year-old son was hitting on my 2-year-old daughter at a birthday party today... hand-holding, eye-googling, back rubbing... the mind reels.

Anonymous said...

i love girls this age too. On nice days my daughter and her friends walk around the 'hood (usually to the 7-11 and back to the school playground) and she texts me her whereabouts the whole time. she and her friends do the same huddle fest thing up in her room too.

Maggie said...

Laura is such a lovely combination of both you and Matt. She is very graceful looking.

Christine said...

Have you all read The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books? We LOVE the books in this house and the movie did not disappoint. It's like Larry David for the middle school set.

Keely said...

That is the most adorable sitting pose on a dog ever.

Almost all of our weekends are chillaxin' weekends. We don't like to get up to much.

Unknown said...

I love Percy's apparent ambivalence to your glam-dog shot and her splendid name. You didn't name her after my favorite Southern writer of all time, Walker Percy, did you?

My daughter just showed me a photo she took of our dog Duncan with his movie star profile view--gazing up with the pensive look of a philosopher and with his chin in the air like he walked off the set of Sunset Blvd. Maybe they are part of a secret dog Flkr network. Maybe Percy has featured you on her blog.

Thanks for the Wimpy Kid movie tip. My daughter romped through each book as it came out, but now that she's in middle school her film tastes have dialed up a notch. We still do the family movie night even with my son in college, so this one sounds like it should be a candidate.

In recovery from the most un-leisurely weekend ever,


Beth said...

Hey, our friends wrote that movie, so yay! We haven't seen it... how is it on the sketchy name-calling bullying front? That was my only beef with the books.

Laura looks exactly like a combo of you and Matt. Considering I've never seen Matt IRL, I'm sure you'll take my observation as gospel truth. :-)

Dang, I wish I had a girl, too.

Lawyer Mom said...

I so want a dog. In a few years, when Mr. M gets older . . .

Laura is gorgeous. She looks just like you.

Anonymous said...

I love your dog.