Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We Builded That

Y'all, today I paused while smearing a thin layer of Aquaphor all over my face to think, "I really need that dang blogroll back." Remember how over on the right I used to have a long list of blogs? Somehow, during the GoDaddy debacle and domain loss, that went away. I have no idea why. Like, a magic donkey stopped turning a wheel and that list vanished into thin air.

As a result, I am a really bad blog friend. If I don't see your link on facebook or twitter, I am missing things. This came home to me tonight when I spied a picture on Beth's instagram feed that said she'd given herself a gel manicure at home and had blogged about it, and I was like, wha? I need this information RIGHT NOW INSTANTLY. Then I went over there and there was stuff all about a cute spider web she made from an embroidery hoop, and I had not noticed it before Halloween because no blog roll! So many missed opportunities.

So, if you used to be listed over there OR if you hang around here and want to be listed over there please let me know in the comments! We can rebuild her! Then I'll go back to being basically on top of everyone's developments and I will be a better blog friend. Okay? And if your blog isn't obvious from your little blogger profile, leave a link! Let's get this barn raised!

And if you see me and I am glistening all over, it is the petroleum products. xoxo


Elizabeth said...

Well, now I feel like the dork that shows up at a party first. Sigh.

I'd be honored to be listed on your blogroll. Here's my link:

Becky said...

Elizabeth, I COUNT on you to show up first. When you're not the first commenter, I'm like, did Elizabeth already go to bed?

Anonymous said...

In the coming weeks, I'll be posting about how I ate a live silkworm in Vietnam. I don't know if that makes you more likely to list me in your blogroll though.

Roving Lemon said...

I lurk a lot and occasionally comment, and would also be honored to appear in your blogroll. Also, I'm about to post a recipe for muffins if that's in any way enticing.

Star said...

It's very sweet of you to ask. "My Milan (Italy)" is my slice of life in Milan. The city really has lots to offer culturally, and isn't the gray work stopover most people think it is. Example? Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" for starters.

Beth said...

Ok, this is brillz, because now I can get the links to all the people who comment here, too! In an easy format with some description, too.

Wait til you see the full on review post of the home gel mani. I've been waiting for this product my whole life.

Also, what is the benefit to putting Aquaphor on your face?

Unknown said...

I'm restarting my blog - this time, with gusto!

Michele said...

I just posted about how to make wooden spool ornaments. It was a remix of my "how to make wine cork ornaments". Everyone needs that right?

My Kids' Mom said...

I have about ten readers, so I probably wasn't on your blogroll, but I'd love any visitors who want to come over to visit to Pook and Bug.

Keely said...

I don't blog anymore, really.

Also, dish on the petroleum products, what's up with that?

Allison said...

I'd love to be on the blogroll.

Could you discuss the use of aquaphor? Very curious as to its benefits, especially since we are now in the desert.

Common Household Mom said...

My blog would be so honored to be on your blogroll that it might pass out from too much honor.

I still have Thanksgiving stuff on my blog because I'm recovering from a business trip.

Unknown said...

I'm just a reader! I do have a blog, but it's just pics of my kids for the fam. But I MISS YOUR BLOG ROLL. I came here to find my way to other blogs. It was like I didn't need to add anything to my favorites or RSS feed (whatever that is?)
Anyhoo... long time reader, maybe first time commenter? Love your blog!

Beth @ Lambic Pentameter said...

Sierra said...

I wasn't on your blog roll before, but my mom and I hold you in the highest of blogging regards and I would be thrilled to be on your new roll!

Lisa Lilienthal said...

Girl let's get you off that petroleum. How about an essential oils remedy instead?

gretchen said...

I seem to be there. Which makes me very happy, because it is this very blog roll that got me going in the first place. So...many thanks.

Unknown said...

I would be thrilled to be on your blog roll. It would be totally Kevin Baconish to have my blog in proximity to your blog and those of your esteemed fellow bloggers.

Star said...

And my other blog is dedicated to my own designs and execution of needlepoint, with my designs freely offered for your personal needlepointing and cross-stitching fun: Star's Needlepoint Art - Acupicturae Stellae: Thanks so much for this wonderful chance to share my love of needlepoint with you!

Ginny Marie said...

You were one of my very first readers and commenters, Becky! I miss visitors from your blog...and would be honored if you put me back on your blog roll!

Anonymous said...

Omg, honey bunny, I read that abt you lathering Aquaphor on yr face & shuddered slightly just as I did when I read somewhere once about Beyonce doing the same, so at least you are in good, foxy company xo

Holly said...

I hestitated to post because at first I thought "I THINK I was on her blogroll before but maybe that was just wishful thinking?" But I see that I've already been added, yay! Guess I better start blogging again! (I posted this on Beth's blog too, but I found the gel manicure kit at CVS for $9 cheaper than the Target price, and free shipping. I got it for my mom. Maybe she'll share)

Jane said...

Thanks for adding me to the blog roll! To celebrate, I may just have to blog. I have a whole post in my head about how snooty hotels are snooty.

Jane said...

Thanks for adding me to the blog roll! To celebrate, I may just have to blog. I have a whole post in my head about how snooty hotels are snooty.

Katie said...

I don't comment often but I've been enjoying your blog for about a year now. I was not on your blogroll but if you want to stop by, mine is


Michele R said...

I don't blog much these days and can't comment on my phone and was away from home 14 out of 25 days in November but maybe i can turn a new leaf and share some middle school stories...

Shannon said...

I doubt I was on your blogroll before....hoping to restart blogging (again) after the holiday madness dies down.

Anonymous said...

Hello and tell me more about the Aquafor ritual, please? I'm half repulsed and half intrigued.

And, who knows if I was on your roll, but I'd love to be:

KrisT said...

Is it too late? I love your blogroll, and used it as my own personal bookmarks set for blog reading. I just relaunched and would love to be a part of your blogroll.

Anonymous said...

Oh, can I get back on the roll? Also, I got Aquaphor for the kids when they were babies, and I STILL buy it for my hands in the winter. It's awesome. Same awesomeness of vaseline, but it seems less.... maybe oily?