Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Just Almost Jinxed This Whole Thing

Settling in.

My parents came into town this afternoon and are watching the election returns with me. Earlier my mom and I were in the grocery store getting provisions, and we espied a sale on ice cream sandwiches. I never buy this stuff, but I said to mom, "Maybe we could have them later as a celebration." Then, just now, watching all the red and blue fill in the map, I said, "I could really go for one of those ice cream bars." My dad looked over and goes, "HEY! Nobody cracks a Klondike bar until they call Ohio."


It was a rainy and blustery day. The kids were home--election day is a school holiday here--and we all slept in a bit. Then I voted with no waiting at all, then I worked out with Pretty Neighbor. Then I went to Laura's dress rehearsal for the Little Mermaid in case I needed to help with makeup, but there was a squadron of high school girls handling it. Then I went home and snapped some pictures of the game company boys as they packed up and left for their new office. Then I watched over six children who arrived at my house to play with Hank. I did all of this with a feeling of nervous excitement. I mostly stayed off the internet and away from all the rampant chatter-about-nothing going on there.

Last night I realized that maybe we've been talking about the election a bit too much around here, because when I mentioned going to vote, Hank sighed and said, "I am so stressed out." I was like, why buddy? He said, "I just really want Barack Obama to win." I told him that I believed it was all going to be okay. And I said, "You know bud, whoever wins this election, your life is going to be just the same the next day." And he mumbled, so sadly, "No, it'll be different in like a million ways." And he said it with such sad resignation! It made me think he knows something I don't! Kids, man. I can actually remember that feeling--having a dawning awareness of world affairs and feeling totally small and shaky in the face of it.

Aaaannnd....just called Ohio. Klondike bars all around, and my love to you, whatever your leanings.


Camp Papa said...

When I was his age Eisenhower was starting his second term, we didn't have television, and I didn't even know his name.

AlGalMom said...

Did you hear about NPR's apology to this kid? http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/10/31/164030712/dear-little-girl-sorry-we-made-you-cry-about-bronco-bamma-and-mitt-romney

I'm afraid I felt the same way :) So glad this is over, feeling a rush of naive hope for the future.

Amy said...

Kids get the craziest ideas... I read a FB update tonight from a friend whose little girl was worried about the election because another kid told her, if elected, Romney would make them be slaves again. (They are African American).

Of course she reassured her. But even amongst adults, I'm seeing a lot of irrational fears out there.

Unknown said...

I spent the evening explaining the electoral college to my teenage daughter. The look on her face was one of shock then fear as the early returns showed a Romney lead.

We had covered the topic of mudslinging the day before when I helped her decipher some wicked political tweets. I can only imagine the conversations you and Hank will have when he is her age!!!

Unknown said...

I spent the evening explaining the electoral college to my teenage daughter. The look on her face was one of shock then fear as the early returns showed a Romney lead.

We had covered the topic of mudslinging the day before when I helped her decipher some wicked political tweets. I can only imagine the conversations you and Hank will have when he is her age!!!

Pam said...

I just want to know what is up with having a school holiday on election day? My daughter had a day off too...
I think those of us who stayed up late watching and eating Klondike bars should get the day off today!

Keely said...

I find it odd that Election Day is a school holiday. I mean, it's not like they have to go vote? Shouldn't the grownups get the holiday?

The Bug said...

Where I'm from (NC), the schools were usually the polling places, so that's why school was canceled.

You know, I'm 48, & I felt like Sam yesterday! I had to keep talking myself down off the ledge.

And I agree - I don't know why I can't have the day off today since I was up so late last night. This morning I took a picture of myself for my Saturday photo blog post - bleary-eyed & pleased :)

Amy said...

"No one cracks a Klondike til they call Ohio" -- another historic Camp Papa utterance.

Lisa Lilienthal said...

I think things like this encourage all kind of superstition! Obama playing basketball, you with the Klondikes and me -- I realized midday that my underwear was wrong side out and wondered all day if it was lucky or not lucky. It was lucky!

My Kids' Mom said...

CD and I got bowls of ice cream. With hot fudge. And whipped cream. But like you, it was before the finish. Ohio was good enough for us too.

Rebekah said...

Glad you're blogging again. I've missed reading your posts.