Saturday, November 26, 2011

En famille

A few snaps from Thanksgiving Day.

Uncle Larry and Hank, and Buddy
Hank showing Uncle Larry his scrapbook.

Larry and Hank

You know she's engrossed when she doesn't look at the camera.

Aunt Sande
Aunt Sande

Matt and his mama
Matt and Betty

Birthday present
Betty gave me a piece of Roseville for an early birthday.

Betty and Andy
Betty and Andy
Are you still afield or are you back in place? We got home tonight, pleasantly surprised by the not-crazy traffic. Though I do think the billboards on I-75 between Chattanooga and Atlanta are some of the tackiest in the world. Besides advertisements for various massages, "massage services," and massage-oriented truck stops, one giant billboard simply said, "Hell is real!" against a background of flames. Uh, thanks for that important message.

I loved seeing the 'Nooga folks, but I'm glad we're back tonight. I need a day to do laundry and gear up for a busy week. Or, alternately, I need a day to ignore laundry and watch tennis. Whichevah.

I hope you have a renewing Sunday. Hell is real!

No it's not.



Aimee said...

We had a lot of "Hell" today, but it was surrounded by lots of "To" and "with Georgia." Then there was a plethora of mild cursing at the television, interspersed with annoyed sighs. And that was just from me. Jason was in an even worse place.

I don't miss the billboards. They're frowned upon here, highly regulated throughout the state, and illegal in our county. So nice. I remember hearing years ago that Georgia had more billboards-per-something (capita? mile of freeway? something) than anywhere else in the U.S. I believe it.

Star said...

Really enjoyed this T-Day post, thanks so much.

Cassi said...

I really love those first three photos, where the subjects aren't looking at the camera. They are beautiful snapshots of a moment in time.

Unknown said...

You'd be most impressed by I-70 between KC and St. Louis: it's where I discovered that Size 15 women's shoes were in demand around truck stops.

Enjoy your day of non-prep for the week!

puncturedbicycle said...
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puncturedbicycle said...

That was a most informative comment from M. I had no idea that this was a thing (truck stops+size 15 heels), but it makes a certain sort of sense.

I love the photos, and don't you look great with your new shorter-but-longer wavy hair!?

We had a nice dinner but have subbed pheasant for turkey the last few years on accounta turkeys being the equivalent of like $150 each hearabouts nowadays. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Veronica said...

Love your hair! Looks like a lovely holiday. When did Laura become a grownup?

Elizabeth said...

I think the billboards between Atlanta and Hilton Head, South Carolina rival yours. I still remember the huge one that said "GOD IS NOT A SOCIALIST."

My favorite ever.

Anonymous said...

Is that your girl speed reading Cabin Fever? Such sweet pictures of everyone. I wish we still had a beautiful dog sitting at our feet like the one with Hank and his Uncle.

Amy said...

Laura is so pretty!

Love those pics of Hank and Uncle Larry. So sweet!
Did Chris and Robyn make it down?

Becky said...

No, Chris and Robin didn't come but we'll see them New Year's weekend.

Yes, Kate, Laura inhaled that book. She barely touched the pages, I feel like we could regift it! And I just read your blog about Ellie. I'm so sorry for your loss! She was such a beautiful dog. I know you will all miss her for a long time.

V, Laura is like SO grown up now. It is crazy, and it has happened in the last six months. It's wonderful, really. I am sure I was not so self-possessed (yet still so innocent!) at 10. Good grief.

The size 15 shoes at truck stops...I just can't even! OMG.

KathyS said...

Just catching up, and I have to echo someone else's sentiments: your hair is made of the awesome! Been wanting a haircut, and I am digging yours mightily!