Monday, August 1, 2011


Look at this baby guy! His name is Gabriel Wayne, and he was born one week ago today to my brother and sister-in-law. He weighed 8lbs, 5ozs, and has already gained back his birth weight, as he is a chow hound like his Aunties.

Y'all, I was in such suspense waiting for this baby. I was glued to my phone all last Sunday night as Katie labored and labored. And labored. It is hard not to get a little worried as the hours roll by, even though we know these things most always turn out just fine. Finally, at two-thirty in the morning, I texted my sister and said, "I don't think I can stay up anymore." She took that to mean, "Call me!" Which she did, an hour later, after I'd fallen asleep. I couldn't summon the wits to answer the phone, but I rested easier knowing that she was on the daylight side of the world and would handle the worrying and waiting for a while. He finally came in the wee hours, and everyone was fine. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to that picture up there. Such relief! I fell in love with that little doll face.

Look at this smooshy thing. Just look at it. I know, let's all go get pregnant RIGHT NOW.

So that was the big news of the last week. The other thing that happened was that I ate a fried Oreo. And the other news is that there are fried Oreos in this world.

I was in the mountains all week, first with Matt and the kids and Matt's mom and brother, and then Matt came back home to work and we stayed on with my parents. I came back last night and Matt kept me up 'til the wee hours. Cleaning out the basement, awww yeah. Today there are two dudes down there banging around and building some kind of Bat Cave for Matt and his coworkers to move into. This means I'm getting my guest room/office back in the near future. I'm high-fiving you right now.


Michele said...

Interesting how they set up that photo.

He sure is a sweetie.

Uh yeah, about that running right out and getting pregnant thing...not going to happen but I would be happy to poke his pudgies and nuzzle his neck.

Marie said...

I remember how you and Amy fluttered around and hovered over Dave, waiting on him hand & foot after he had his 2year old immunizations. Might be a good thing we won't be around that "snackable" Gabe on a daily basis! (Love the "snackable" description!)

Aimee said...

Oh, what a cutie!!

But I'm with Michele - I'll leave the pregnant-getting to other folks.

Congrats on the coming of the bat cave!

Becky said...

Yes, that pic is like a baby mugshot! "Face the camera!"

Star said...

Adorable baby (amazingly adorable so soon!), great post, loads of fun, thanks!

Unknown said...

Totally snackable. What a cute little muffin---well worth the wait!

M and E said...

The really bizarre thing about this post is that I took fried Oreos over to your said brother and sister-in-law yesterday.

(Bought, not made. And they were amazing.)

Veronica said...

Very cute baby, and yay for getting the office/guest room back! That's a good prize for going through stuff in the basement, I'd say.

Michele said...

My first thought was: what's he doing time for? Being too cute?"

You getting a room of your own? I highly recommend it. Don't forget to put in a very comfy chair. I don't care if Monty Python thinks of comfy chairs as torture, I love mine.

Elle said...

He gets cuter every time we see him!

I would totally get pregnant right now if my kids weren't so much work because a. 2nd trimester sex, hullo? and b. the freedom + will to eat an entire rotisserie chicken (also 2nd trimester feat).

We have a dedicated guest room, which always seems silly, but then a guest comes & it's ok for another little while. We don't have anything else to put in there anyhow. xo

Becky said...

Oh indeed, the 2nd trimester sex. And really 3rd trimester. Can I get an amen? I remember thinking, "This must be what it's like to be a man."


Elle said...

Oh, I know exactly what you are talking about, obvsly. Let's leave it at that, since yr pop reads here, OK.

Camp Papa said...

Can't read comments... Sporadic blindness... Must go lie down... Maybe better by next post.

Beth said...

I'll give you the AMEN and leave it at that. :-)

I thought snackable referred to the Oreos. No?

And a friend of mine recently ate a fried Twinkie. This was, of course, in the midwest. But it still sounds delicious.

Oh, all right, that baby is BEYOND.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, congratulations! He is adorable -- a veritable little man! My son Henry, now 13, was born on July 25th and he is one of the happiest humans on the planet.

kathy said...

I can't wait to meet Gabe up close and personal and get some baby snuggle time. He is soooo cute. I was on pins and needles myself waiting to hear of his arrival. Katie worked hard to bring Mr. Gabe into this world. I know Katie and David will be great parents.

Kelly said...

I can't wait to see the basement! And that baby is definitely smoochable :)

Crystal Keilers, that's me. said...

Amy? Did you hear that? Becky called you a chow hound.