Sunday, August 14, 2011

Proper Send-Off

Hank and I were playing Legos in the book room yesterday morning. As usual, it was some kind of pitched battle with heavy Lego fighting all over the place. A blue lego man got hit with a cannonball fired from one of my pirate boats, and he fell off the castle. Hank determined that he was dead and needed a grave, so I made a little box out of blocks and sealed the Lego man into it with a bigger block.

I said, "Okay, he is buried." Hank said, "Good job, now we need to visit his grave." So all the Lego people ceased their fighting, and we lined them up around the tomb. Hank said, "Now we need to say a prayer. Dear God, please bless this Lego guy who is dead."

"Amen," I added. We were silent.

I said, "Okay, is that it?"

Hank said, "No! Now we need to celebrate his life."


Amy said...

Love this. Love that kid. Now, let's go celebrate life!!

Maggie May said...

From the mouths of babes.

Elizabeth said...

Love it. And I'm impressed that you play with Legos with your son. I wasn't ever very good at playing with my sons and am always in awe of those moms who do.

Unknown said...

Ah, great to see a Lego nod to that critical feature which marks our humanity: burying our dead.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like he has been reading Tolstoy and The Purple Chair!!!

My Kids' Mom said...

My sister tried to outlaw gun play in her house and, like most moms of boys, failed. Her compromise was to insist that they "go tell the bad guy's mama that her son is dead." Ruined all the fun, I tell ya!

Amy said...

Hank is an old, wise, soul.

Veronica said...

Love that! Shay just started pulling the straw out of his sippy cup and shooting everything in the room (and I don't know where he has seen guns shooting before; I swear that it must be in that y chromosome somewhere, just waiting to come out...) so anyway, I guess we're going to have to start burying our dead soon...

Kelly said...

Love it. He is so awesome!

Marie said...

Fantastic kid!!!!

gretchen said...

I love Hank. And I agree with Elizabeth - you are a very good mother to play Lego funeral with him.

Beth said...

Oh. Em. Gee. That is awesome. We do PLENTY of Lego killing around here, but there has yet to be a funeral. Usually when someone gets killed, they kind of explode-- my 4 year old insists on breaking the dude all into pieces just so you really know he's a goner.

Jenni said...

He sees God in everything, Becky.